Amma’s Latest Messages
Amma’s Latest Messages
Amma is a renowned speaker on spiritual manners. Amma gives a spiritual talk in each city that she visits. Many of these speeches have been recorded online and turned into spiritual books. A video series called ‘From Amma’s Heart’ is currently available online. A selection of Amma’s most recent messages are available here:
New Year Message 2021
From Amma’s Heart
Amrita Ganga
Amma in Ireland
Amma has given a spiritual talk during each of her visits to Dublin. Amma has spoken many times on the importance of maintaining cultural traditions and in particular our Irish language and culture. During Amma’s programme in Dublin, many fantastic Irish musicians and dancers have performed for Amma. She has always delighted in their performances and has spoken about the music and replayed the videos during her programmes in India for all to see.
In 2003, a special programme was held for Amma’s fiftieth birthday and many people were invited from around the world to represent their country in a huge a cultural celebration for peace. A troupe of Irish musicians and dancers represented Ireland during the four-day celebration attended by over 100,000 people per day, including the President of India
Read more about the participation of the Irish performers here (link to pdf:)
‘Love is our true essence. This love does not have any limitations of caste, creed, colour or religion. We are all beads strung on the same thread of love. Awaken that unity and spread the message of love and service.’ – Amma
Amma´s Message as She Leaves Ireland in 2005
Aside from her talks, Amma also often gives messages informally or in response to people’s questions. This is one such example of a question Amma answered that was asked by an Irish person who travelled to the airport to bid Amma farewell following her two-day programme in Dublin.
Come to Know Who You Really Are
16 November 2005 — Dublin International Airport, Ireland
The sun had not yet risen when Amma entered the Dublin Airport, but several of Amma’s devotees from Ireland were there waiting. They wanted to see her once more before her departure for America. The two days Amma had spent giving darshan in Dublin had not been enough. The sadness showed on their faces. In fact, dozens of Amma’s children from throughout Europe had come to see Amma off–some of whom had been travelling with Amma for the past six weeks. The look in their eyes was the same as that in the eyes of Amma’s Irish children: six weeks… it had not been enough.
Amma still had some time before she had to board her flight, so she sat down on one of the chairs in the airport’s waiting area. Her children sat at her feet. One lady from London, sitting directly in front of Amma, could not control her tears. When Amma saw her eyes filling, she pretended to be shocked, perhaps trying to get the lady to smile. For some time, everyone was silent. The feelings were beyond words, so Amma just gazed out at everyone, her reflection shining in each of her children’s eyes.
It was an Irish woman who spoke up. “Now that Amma is going way, what can we, Amma’s children do, to keep feeling close to Amma, to keep Amma in our heart, even when she is physically away from us?”
“Put in efforts to know who you really are,” Amma said. “When we look into a mirror, we do so to try to become someone else. But we need to look into our Self to see who we truly are. If we can come to know who we truly are, then we will always be with Amma.
“In the past there have been many problems in this country. Amma prays that no more come in the future. All of you should try to live in unity. The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people. It is Amma’s prayer that you all succeed in this.”
The question had been about Amma’s Irish children, but Amma’s answer applied to her children from all over Europe, from all over the world. Only when we realise that our Self and Amma’s Self and the Self of all of humanity are one and the same, we will go beyond all suffering, all sorrow, all repulsion, and all delusion.
Knowing the Self
Those who know the Self are always compassionate. They wish to see society thrive in peace and harmony.
Change & action
Change is possible only through action.
Consoling the suffering
You need not be wealthy or in a high position in order to console the suffering. A loving word, a compassionate glance, a helping hand – that’s enough to help someone.
True Happiness
True happiness is when the love within us finds its expression through external activities.
Selfless Service
Selfless service strengthens the mind so that you can overcome any situation in life.
Giving Happiness
If we are able to give happiness to a soul-even for a minute-our life becomes blessed.
Inner Strength
Through spiritual thoughts, we cultivate inner strength and a strong mind. God represents all good qualities, such as self-sacrifice, love and compassion.
Worldly happiness
Understand this great truth: The happiness that comes from the pleasures of the world is but a minute reflection of the infinite bliss that comes from within your own Self.
Links in a chain
We are not isolated islands, we are connected links in a chain. Each kind word, each smiling face, each good action, benefits our neighbor, our nation, and our world.
Devotion is not a mental weakness. Neither is it only the first step, but something like the substratum for attaining the goal.
First Prayer
Children, our first prayer should be to get a heart that rejoices in the happiness of others and shares their sorrow.
Removing indifference
Our efforts to remove hatred and indifference from the world begin by trying to remove them from our own mind.
Human Machines
In today’s world, human beings are dying and human machines are taking birth.
Environmental preservation
Many people talk a lot about environmental preservation, but true greatness lies in putting these principles into practice and actually doing something about it.
Let us focus on what we can give to others—not on what we can get for ourselves. Only then can we bring about a total transformation in our global family.
Amma’s International Address
Amma is regularly invited by international organisations to address the issues of religious differences, the environment, the education, and peace-making. She has spoken at the UN, World Parliament of Religions, the Vatican, and other interfaith summits around the world. Read more here:
This was Amma’s visit to the Vatican:
Amma’s Spiritual Values
Amma has time and again emphasised that the duty of every human being is to realise his true self, or in other words, “know who we really are.” She does not favour any particular religion. When asked to which religion she belongs, she says, “my religion is love.”
If we watch Amma, we will see the embodiment of all the qualities she is constantly encouraging us to cultivate. If you want to understand devotion, watch the tears as they roll down her cheeks during bhajans (devotional songs). If you want to learn about serving the world selflessly, sit by her side one evening as she embraces and comforts 12,000 people, or remember how she took care of her neighbours when she was a young child. If you have questions about spiritual practice, envision her years on the seashore when she sat in meditation.
Whatever Amma does, it is a form of meditation – whether sitting in silence, speaking to thousands or sweeping the ashram courtyard, her mind is always focused on God. Actions speak louder than words, yet the truth as heard from Amma’s lips has a deafening impact. Whether delivered to crowds of thousands, or in the intimate setting of the ashram, Amma’s satsang is always unforgettable.

Stories Told by Amma
It is the tradition of India to convey the great spiritual truths through the simplest of stories, analogies and examples. Amma’s way is no different. When giving satsang or answering a question, she almost always will illustrate her point with a story. Be it drawn from the spiritual books of India, an anecdote she has heard or one of her own creation, these inspiring — and often humorous— stories cut to the heart and convey truth in a way even a child can understand.
Amma finds the spiritual dimension to even the most seemingly worldly of stories. When Amma tells a story, the characters come alive, allowing those listening to imagine themselves therein. Thus their minds expand, their hearts become light and their spiritual perspective is deepened. It’s impossible to say how many lives have been transformed by the wisdom that follows these five simple words — “Amma has heard a story….”
Link to read the text:
The opportunity to hear Amma speak is one not to be missed, enjoy some of Amma’s messages on compassion:
Amma Speaks on Compassion
Stanford University hosted a rare event in which, world-renowned humanitarian leader and Amrita University’s Chancellor, Amma, in a dialogue with leading neurosurgeon Dr. James Doty in the packed Memorial Auditorium, shares deep insight into the immense power of compassion, whether it is in science, technology, business, or in fact, in any sphere of human activity.
The Science of Compassion
World-renowned film director, actor and producer Shekhar Kapur launched a documentary about Amma entitled ‘The Science of Compassion’. The film was shot at Amritapuri Ashram in September 2013, during Amma’s 60th birthday celebrations. Shekhar Kapur investigates the source of human compassion and creativity.
Spiritual Magazine
‘Matruvani’ is a monthly publication from Amma’s Amritapuri, India ashram. It contains articles on spiritual topics written by Amma’s senior most disciples, stories written by Amma followers detailing personal experiences, and often includes transcriptions of Amma’s recent talks. Matruvani also has news about Amma’s world-wide travels and other special events around Amma.
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Amma speeches and books can be purchased from local satsangs, during Amma’s visit to Dublin, from the UK shop, the German shop and Amazon
Amma’s beautiful bhajans also contain many messages and can be purchased digitally from:
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