1. Local Sastangs
Satsang groups: Local groups gather on a regular basis around the country to focus on Amma’s message of love, service and inner awakening. Satsang gatherings last about two hours and they follow a regular format as specified by Amma, which includes meditation, spiritual reading, devotional singing and chanting. Free of charge. Everyone is welcome.
Bhajan (devotional singing) practice sessions are held regularly in Cork and Dublin, to learn new songs, perfect the ones we know, get used to singing out, learn to play favourite bhajans on the harmonium, work on rhythm and develop our voices. All welcome.
To find a satsang group near you & for all details, click below,
or call / text 086 877 4036 or email us at satsang@ammaireland.org
2. I AM Meditation Technique
IAM – Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique®, is a powerful meditation technique created by Amma to help people find fulfillment in life. It refines one’s mind, bringing practitioners greater clarity and insight, opening channels of creativity and deepening one’s sense of awareness throughout the day.
The practice also increases one’s energy and helps alleviate tension, thus improving mental and physical health. Ultimately IAM – Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique® takes the practitioners to the goal of human life—realization of the Divinity pervading all of creation. Amma’s senior disciples teach the technique free of charge in all parts of the world.
Who can practise IAM – Integrated
Amrita Meditation Technique®?
Anyone over 18 years of age who agrees to practise the technique for 30 minutes a day and guard the secrecy of the teaching.
To find out about upcoming courses, please check our events page.
To find out more details about the practice, please click the button below.
3. GreenFriends™ Ireland
“Only through love and compassion is the protection and preservation of Nature possible” — Amma
GreenFriends™ is Amma’s initiative to help us reawaken the awareness of our unity with all of creation and to cultivate an attitude of love and reverence for Mother Nature.
Visit the GreenFriends blog by clicking here.
“Everything is pervaded by Consciousness. It is that Consciousness which sustains the world and all the creatures in it. To worship everything, seeing God in all, is what religion advises. Such an attitude teaches us to love Nature. None of us would consciously injure our own body, because we know it would be painful. Similarly, we will feel the pain of other people to be our own when the realisation dawns within us that everything is pervaded by one and the same Consciousness. Compassion will arise, and we will sincerely wish to help and protect all. In that state, we won’t feel like plucking even a leaf unnecessarily. We will pick a flower only on the last day of its existence, before it falls from the stem. We will consider it as very harmful to the plant, and to Nature, if the flower is plucked on its very first day due to our greediness.
Looking at Nature and observing its selfless way of giving, we can become aware of our own limitations. That will help to develop devotion and self-surrender to God. Thus, Nature helps us to become closer to God and teaches us to truly worship Him. In reality, Nature is nothing but God’s visible form which we can behold and experience through our senses. Indeed, by loving and serving Nature, we are worshipping God Himself.
Just as Nature creates the favourable circumstances for a coconut to become a coconut tree, and for a seed to transform itself into a huge fruit tree, Nature creates the necessary circumstances through which the individual soul can reach the Supreme Being and merge in eternal union with Him. A sincere Truth seeker, or a true believer, cannot harm Nature because he or she sees Nature as God – he doesn’t experience Nature as being separate from himself. He is the real lover of Nature.” – Amma
4. AYUDH Ireland
AYUDH, the International youth movement of “Embracing the World”, is active in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and Africa. AYUDH seeks to empower young people to integrate universal values into their daily lives. Starting with themselves, AYUDH wants to help establish a future of hope, peace and social engagement while maintaining an awareness of spiritual principles.
We have a commitment to ensure that our pupils receive the best pastoral care and support so that they feel happy and safe here and are therefore able to thrive and achieve academically. Our Student Services team are all trained to work with young people and as part of the team we have other students support the application process.
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