National Events we regularly host:
Amma’s Visit to Dublin
Sw. Shubamritananda’s Visit
Pujas & Homas with Swi. Sandramrita
Amrita Yoga Workshops
National Satsang Gathering Days
Silent Retreats
Regular events organised by satsang groups around the country:
Weekly / Monthly Satsang Gatherings
Bhajan & Musical Practice Sessions
Tree Planting & Woodland Maintenance Days
‘Get Growing’ Organic Vegetable Growing Courses
Yoga Days
Silent Retreats
Community Clean-ups
Fundraising Events
At this moment, physical events are postponed. When they are happening again, they will be posted here.
Online Chanting & Group Prayers
Date & Time: Every Day @ 9.30pm
Chants: 108 names, followed by chanting of the universal peace mantra “Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” 108 times
Duration: 30 mins
Contact: dublinsatsang@ammaireland.org – hosted by the Dublin Satsang Group
Archana Chanting
Date & Time: Every Friday @ 8.15pm
Chants: 1000 names (Lalita Sahasranamam), followed by Ayi Giri Nandini (Mahishasura Mardini Stotram)
Duration: 60 mins
Contact: dublinsatsang@ammaireland.org – hosted by the Dublin Satsang Group
Meditation Music
Enjoy a present of this beautiful piece of music for meditation written for Amma volunteers during lockdown by a musician who has performed traditional Irish music for Amma on many of her visits to Ireland
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oKWoS52RmM
Ayurveda Workshop
Learn about the Ayurvedic way to care for your body and boost your immune system from Orna Canavan, an Ayurvedic practitioner who volunteers when Amma comes to Ireland
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua7Zx6Riak4
Global Online Activities
Amma Live
For information and assistance on how to connect with Amrita Live daily live-streaming from Amritapuri please contact your local Satsang Group for information or email to help@ammaireland.org.
Amrita Virtual Academy
Sign up for courses, workshops and retreats on many topics from Malayalam, to bhajan singing, to natural food dying to rangoli designs
Link: https://courses.amritavirtualacademy.com/
Amrita Yoga
Learn more about yoga retreats, virtual classes and spiritual talks, and yoga with a focus on heart-centred awareness
Link: https://amritayoga.com/
Silent Retreats
Offering a variety of silent meditation retreats, online and in person in Amritapuri
Link: https://www.amritasilentretreats.com/
Amrita Ganga
A series of videos containing a short satsang by Amma, a bhajan and a video of Amma giving darshan
Link: https://amritaworld.org/amrit-ganga/
From Amma’s Heart
A series of videos containing a short satsang from Amma on a spiritual topic
Link: https://amritaworld.org/from-ammas-heart/