Amma’s Representatives’ Visits
Sw. Shubamritananda, Bri. Sandramrita Chaitanya and Bri. Shobana
Because of the current world situation all Amma Representative Visits have been postponed until these difficulties have ended.
Swami Shubamritananda Puri
Swami Shubamritananda Puri
Swami Shubamritananda Puri (previously Br. Shubamrita Chaitanya) has been one of Amma’s closest disciples and personal translators for more than 30 years. At
Amma’s behest, Shubamrita regularly travels throughout Europe delivering spiritual lectures and teaching meditation and yoga. Swami Shubamritananda has delivered many talks and led many retreats over the past 16 years of his visits to Ireland. He presents the profound wisdom of Indian spirituality in a simple, practical manner, drawing frequently upon his personal experiences as Swami Shubamritananda Puri (previously Br. Shubamrita) has been one of
Amma’s closest disciples and personal translators for more than 30 years. At Amma’s behest, Shubamrita regularly travels throughout Europe delivering
spiritual lectures and teaching meditation and yoga.
Swami Shubamritananda has delivered many talks and led many retreats over the past 16 years of his visits to Ireland. He presents the profound wisdom of
Indian spirituality in a simple, practical manner, drawing frequently upon his personal experiences as Amma’s disciple. Over the years, he has given talks in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Belfast and Derry. These days because of his busy schedule in Europe he usually visits Dublin and if possible one other city
in Ireland. Br. Shubamrita shares his understanding of Eastern spiritual traditions in easily understandable terms.
All of Br. Shubamrita’s visits have proven to be a time of spiritual refreshment and wonderfully uplifting.
Virtual Satsang with Swami Shubamritananda Puri
Bri. Sandramrita Chaitanya
Bri. Sandramrita Chaitanya
Bri. Sandramrita Chaitanya (previously Bri. Amritapriya) was born in France. She
studied German language and literature. She met Amma in 1988 in France and moved
to Amritapuri in 1990.
Since 1993 she has been translating most of the books published by the ashram into
French, starting with translating for the Matruvani magazine as well as Amma’s satsangs and Amma’s
bhajan books.
In 2012, Amma told Bri. Sandramrita to learn Puja. In 2013, Amma told her also to teach IAM
meditation and Amrita Yoga.
Since 2015, with Amma’s blessings, she has been touring for several months of the year in Europe,
sharing her knowledge of Amma’s teachings, conducting Pujas and Homas, teaching Amrita Yoga and
IAM meditation and giving talks (Satsang).
Homas and Pujas
Puja is ritualistic worship of the Divine performed to keep us in harmony with cosmic
forces, thereby removing and overcoming the sorrows of life and bringing spiritual
upliftment. Doing puja helps to, eliminate the negative thoughts and influences in our
life and help surround us with positive energy which can bring us peace of mind,
material prosperity and enable us to more clearly touch the Divine, our true nature.
A Homa is a yagna or fire ritual. It is a puja that involves offering various materials into a
specially designed fire. Homa is an ancient ceremony and celebration of the Divine
performed to keep us in harmony with cosmic forces, thereby helping us to overcome the
sorrows of life, advancing our spiritual growth and promoting World Peace.
World Peace Puja at Amritapuri Ashram on January 1, 2021
Bri. Shobana
Bri. Shobana
We were blessed to have one of Amma’s disciples, Bri. Shobana, PhD,
Director of Amrita Yoga, visiting Dublin in February 2020. Bri. Shobana is an award-winning
yoga practitioner and teacher who has dedicated her life to the pursuit of authentic yoga
as a monastic in Amma’s ashram. Under Amma’s direct guidance, as director of Amrita
Yoga® since 2004, she has taught more than 2000 workshops, classes and retreats to
people from all over the world. Specializing in bridging the gap between ancient traditional Eastern
practice and the practical needs of yoga in the West, Bri. Shobana is one of only twelve members on the
Government of India’s Committee for Yoga Education, which forms the curriculum courses in Indian
Amrita Yoga
Amrita Yoga isn’t just about the Asanas – it’s much more. It’s about aligning to our true
Self. Working from the inside out, Amrita Yoga takes us to realignment with our true Self.
By utilizing breath, chanting, and awareness, Amrita Yoga moves us beyond the asana
and breath into stillness and our innate Silence. The practice itself leads from movement
to stillness, from gross to subtle.
Amrita Yoga supports us to establish a positive and harmonious lifestyle. This experience of attunement
extends into our family life and resonates with everything in creation.
The central theme of Amrita Yoga “Awareness with heart centered intention” reflects Amma’s
guidance to keep these elements at the core of the program content and training methods
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