More and more people are discovering the joy and satisfaction of taking part in fundraising activities for Amma. Dinner parties, pamper days, car boot sales, a race night, a raffle, a golf outing and women’s marathons brought in much needed funds for Amma’s charities and her visit to Ireland. Many people are now also contributing by direct debit. The need of course is ongoing and if you would like to get involved in future fundraising activities, please let us know.
As a registered charity, donations will qualify for Tax Relief.
For further information please call 083 1257764
If you wish to make a donation or setup a standing order
To download the standing order form – click here
Note: The standing order forms can be given to your bank directly or sent to The Treasurer, Amrita Kripa, 67, Castlegate Park, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin.
Account Details:
Amma Ireland
AIB Western Rd
Cork. Account No. 04856 007
Sort code 93 41 94
IBAN: IE93AIBK93419404856007
Alternatively, if you wish, you can send a cheque to The Treasurer, Amrita Kripa, 67, Castlegate Park, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin. Cheques to be made out in favour of Amma Ireland.
If you are a tax payer, please fill this CHY3 Cert Revenue Form (click here) and send it to The Treasurer, Amrita Kripa, 67, Castlegate Park, Adamstown, Lucan, Co. Dublin. The charity will benefit from Revenue’s tax back.
For more information on fundraising activities, contact:
Call: 086 371 2137 or Email:
Join Our Monthly Mailing List
We will keep you updated of all upcoming events. We send one or two emails a month.