Amma Ireland
The activities of Amma Ireland are inspired by the example and teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma). Amma Ireland is a registered charity, and is run entirely by volunteers.
Where we came from: Amma Ireland was originally formed by a diverse group of individuals from around the country, who having met Amma were inspired by her life and teachings. With the aim of bringing Amma and her message to Ireland, an unincorporated charitable association was formed in 2003 (CHY No. 15299) and continues to be run by volunteers today.
What we do: Since its formation, Amma Ireland has helped to facilitate regular visits of Amma to Ireland from 2004 onwards. Community Outreach projects include hosting visits of international representatives of Amma, hosting Amma’s meditation & yoga classes, weekly spiritual group meetings and the facilitation of intercultural exchange. Ecological Activities include âGet Growingâ organic gardening workshops, community gardens & annual tree planting projects. Social Service projects include community clean-ups, help in local communities, fundraising projects and events to fund local initiatives and international poverty relief projects.

âTrue happiness is when the love that is within us finds expression in external activities.â

âWe cannot change situations in life, but we can change our attitude towards themâ

âThe greatest power is the power of love.â
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